Happy New Year, dear loyal blog readers; it's that time again for my Beginning-of-the-Year Promulgation entitled "Resolutions 2012." Okay, okay, so I realize this entire exercise is a self-serving process, but um, let's be real: my entire blog is self-serving. I often cheer myself up clicking through the years by blog post and photo. So what are resolutions anyway? To provide a sense of re-directed purpose? Reaffirm one's self-determination? Become a better person?
Of course for all of the above, but it also panders to my list-making complex.
1. Add more friends -- here on earth, not Facebook.
About a couple years ago I decided I needn't any more friends. I figured about 50 in my inner circle were enough, and 100 outliers were definitely enough. But what is enough, and what the hell was my problem?
2. Enlarge Vocabulary.
Since working for the government, my ever-declining diction and syntax even make Harold Bloom cringe. I will begin learning a new word every day; for instance, "Does this outfit make me look like a zedonk?" (ze·donk/noun: the offspring of a zebra and a donkey/origin: 1970-75).
3. Skydive.
This is a mathematical carry-over from last year; I officially carry-over dangerous adventure. Take that life equation! I'm hoping to make this leap of faith and fun with my boyfriend, Jack (oh yes, new development since my last blog post of April 2011).
4. Reduce Debt.
But I really mean it this time. It means less salted caramel macchiatos, no more lonely-nights' binge shopping on Etsy or E-bay, and less visits to my beloved Ross, because I should really just dress-for-nothing.
5. Believe in change like I did in 2008. Cast my vote.
Most know I dislike ill-informed political confrontation, though I appreciate educational political debate. "I would argue that the most powerful voices of change in the country, from Lincoln to King, have been those who can speak with the utmost conviction about the great issues of the day without ever belittling those who opposed them, and without denying the limits of their own perspective." (Barack Obama) Perhaps our President may have lost some of the eloquence and style he possessed while campaigning, but he has not lost that substance, especially through the difficult and complex choices he has made as America's leader. I've been watching closely.
6. Get back to 2009 weight-level.
I want my face to look heart-shaped, not round.
7. Rely on good-old-fashioned memory and intellect before my Blackberry's Google.
8. Just one more tattoo.
As of this posting, I'm leaning toward a tribal phoenix design of black and red. It'll likely be placed in between my Cagayan de Oro and Kailua, Hawaii latitude and longitude coordinates.
9. Be near and next to people I love.
"To live in this world, you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal, to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it, and, when the time comes, to let it go, to let it go." (Mary Oliver)
10. Defy the Mayan Calendar and the apocalyptic end of Dec. 21, 2012 -- and live.
But in the event of a solar shift, Venus transit, and violent earthquake, I've been assured by Jack that he'll hoist me over his shoulder and make a run for it, so I've got a pretty good shot at living. I've made it clear, however, that if a zombie attacks and I'm bitten, he has permission to shoot me.
I have more serious resolutions like cook more, eat out less, sell my gold, watch more of The Daily Show, write letters to Congress and United airlines, but that's for the rest of this year's blogging adventures.
Happy 2012, everyone. We'll make it to Dec. 22.
Go team! #9 means ME!!!!!!