We shall begin with the first headliner: I moved! Kate, Anna, and I decided that we'd move in together, which is a blessing to me since these are two very dear friends. Kate has connections with the owner of the house (one block from Kailua beach), and who was looking for renters who didn't party every night, live like slobs, and make a barbeque pit in the front lawn. We inspected the place, and let's say it was at first discouraging.

Notice the faded stain of a man's body near the door in the middle photo. Ugh, is right. That is the photo of my bedroom on the right. The carpets were horrible. Everything was moldy and touching of doorknobs could be immediate transference of disease. So, we had fun doing a mini-extreme makeover!

Hallway before, during renovation, and after!
My room:
Note the transformation of this built-in bookshelt to be better utilized. These are initial photos; we have since then further upgraded our house.
I forgot you even took that video! I was so adamant about that desk!